Tuesday, October 27, 2020

What my parents taught me about voting!

 Perhaps, it was the experience my parents had in Castro's Cuba, that led them to always remind us of what was for them a certainty: 


My mom and dad were among the idealistic young Cubans who opposed the dictatorship of Batista, Cuba's strongman before 1959! They wholeheartedly risked their life and gave their support to a charismatic young revolutionary who promised freedom for the island, elections, safety and prosperity! One who insisted, even as his movement triumphed, that there was no socialism , no communism in his ideals nor the future of their island.

Sure thing...! We all know how that went! 

I am a Marxist Leninist was Fidel Castro's announcement when he had seized power in Cuba, sending many of those who had risked their life for the ideals of freedom scrambling for exile in Miami!  Older Cubans still joke that when Fidel said his revolution was "green" like the palm trees, he really meant it was like a watermelon, pretty green on the outside, red on the inside! 

POLITICIANS LIE!  That for us has been part of  our education and political participation in the United States, ever since I can remember! 

Look at what they have done, not at their eloquence, looks or promises! In politics, my parents insisted , actions speak louder than words! Also that it is issues, goals, that are the driving force of the party or candidate to support.  Vote for what matters to you, for the things you would like to see in our society, for the future you want to see....and for the candidate, however flawed that you feel can help further those goals! Sometimes they will keep the promises they made while campaigning, most of the times they will not!

My parents lessons sure have come in handy over the years! I admit to not always following their advise! We all have been drawn to different politicians, loved their speeches, their energy, the idea behind their candidacy and have chosen to vote on that! Putting personality, education, TV image and charisma over concrete actions and goals. More often than not , it is disappointing!

This year I went with the tried and true lessons we learned! Its the issues that matter, the actions, the promises kept, the things that further a future where you would like your children to live in successfully!  As someone once said, 

" My vote is a chess move, not a valentine"! 

Remember as you go vote!



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