Saturday, June 19, 2021

Lessons from a Storm- Lecciones de Una Tormenta



1 Samuel 17: (1a, 4-11, 19-23), 32-49

2 Corinthians- Corintios 6:1-4

St. Mark-San Marcos 4:35-41


Jesus has been teaching his disciples from a boat in the shores of the sea of Gallilee! As the sun sets he tells them to board the boat and cross to the other side! 

Jesús ha estado enseñando a las multitudes y a sus discípulos desde un bote en las orillas del mar de Galilea!  Y ya al anochecer les indica que suban al bote para cruzar al otro lado…

 I can imagine what kind of a day they have had! The disciples have heard and learned so many things! Jesus has spoken to the multitude in parables and explained some of their meaning to his disciples! Surely they are full of wonder and questions! There is no doubt it has been a long day for Jesus! He seems tired, so he finds a space on the back of the boat and falls sleep, What a day and a movie finale….THEY SAIL INTO THE SUNSET ON A TRANQUIL SEA!

Me imagino la clase de día que debe de haber sido! Cuantas cosas han hecho y aprendido
los discipulos.  Jesús les ha hablado por medio de parábolas a la multitud y ha compartido algo de su significado con sus ellos! Estarían , quizás llenos de preguntas , de asombro y también algo cansados! No hay duda que Jesús está agotado ya que se recuesta en la parte trasera del bote y se queda dormido!  Vaya que clase de día…y ahora tiene un final  de película, Navegan en su bote, en el mar tranquilo hacia el anochecer.,…

And then….it happens, a storm comes! That’s life and this is our first lesson from the text! 

Y entonces…pasa, se desata una tormenta!!!!    Así pasa a veces y esta quizás sea nuestra primera lección de este texto!

1. In life we are going to have to face the unexpected/ En la vida vamos a enfrentar cosas inesperadas!

 In this case it is a storm. In the lesson we read from Samuel 17, it is a giant, Goliath who comes from the ranks of the enemy to challenge the people of God!

En este caso es una tormenta, en nuestra lectura de Samuel 17, es un gigante, él filisteo Goliat que viene contra el pueblo de Dios…!

 We can relate! The day began just great, so many hopes with this new job, new house or relationship and suddenly wind and thunder!  

Qué hermoso empezó este día….cuantas ilusiones con este nuevo trabajo, nos mudamos…que ilusión…en nuestro matrimonio, en el noviazgo y de pronto, truena y relampaguea!!

Spurgeon: Thus may our loveliest calms be succeeded by overwhelming storms! A Christian is seldom long at ease. Our life, like April weather, is made up of sunshine and showers— “We should suspect some danger near  When we perceive too much delight. 

Asi puede que ocurra con nuestros mas hermosos tiempos de calma…les sigue una tormenta! Nuestra vida es como el clima en Abril…sol y lluvia!  Debemos sospechar problemas cuando todo parece alegría!

 WE TEND TO THINK THAT if we walk with God, we go to Church, and are invlved inspiritual things we will avoid the problems and surprises of this life! But here we have clear evidence that it is not always so!!!! The disciples have been with Jesus , have been witnesses to miracles, have done what he asked them…get in the boat! HE IS THERE WITH THEM! And the storm still hits!

A veces pensamos que si estamos con Dios y sus cosas se evitan los problemas y las sorpresas de la vida…pero aquí tenemos una ilustración que nos corrige esa equivocación….han estado con Jesús, han aprendido de Jesús, han visto los milagros de Jesús, han seguido las instrucciones de Jesús…El esta en el bote con ellos…y aun asi se desata la tormenta!

We have the impressión that God, Jesus, the Church, prayer are like a good luck charm a against bad luck! Like little saint statues or rosaries in the car, or a Bible open in the house to ward off evil! Life is not like that! Life is full of surprises …Forrest Gump’s mom may have said it is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get! In the gospel it says the waves were so violent that the boat was swamped!

Nos pasa que pensamos que Jesús, que Dios, la Iglesia, la oración son como un amuleto en contra de la mala suerte…como tener estatuas de los santos en el carro o un rosario colgado en la casa, una Biblia abierta…y la vida no es asi….la vida te da sorpresas, sorpresas te da la vida….algunas leves otras más serias…en el caso del evangelio dice que había tantas olas y era tan fuerte el viento que se llenaba de agua el bote…

 2.     WE ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES/ NO somos los únicos…..

 Look at these often unnoticed words from our gospel lesson Other boats were with him! 

Miren estas palabritas que a veces se nos escapan al leer el Evangelio….y tambien otras barcas los acompañaban….

 So often when we go through moments of distress we fail to see beyond our situation, we forget others are also having their own battles and struggles. When the seas roar, the waves overwhelm…its not just my boat in danger…we may not always be in the same boat but we sure can be in the same storm! There are other boats! We forget about the other when in reality each of us is facing their own battles and struggles! 

Tantas veces cuando pasamos por momentos de dificultad, no podemos ver mas allá de nuestra situación…y no nos damos cuanta que otros también pasan por situaciones difíciles…cuando ruge el mar, y se elevan las olas…no es solo mi embarcación que peligra sino todas las que me acompañan. Nos olvidamos del otro…cada uno de nosotros tiene sus propias batallas con las que lucha…

 This weekend I woke up to a flat tire and a bit of frustration about things I have zero control over , plus obligations I can not put off…YET today some woke up ill, others have lost loved ones, some are facing difficult decisions…there are other boats in this lake and he storms affect us all. PAUL SAID IT LIKE THIS: When a member of the body is hurt others suffer, and all of creation groans!  

Este fin de semana CUANDO YO ME LEVANTE CON el dilema de que tengo una goma ponchada en  mi carro y frustrado de que no me da timepo para hacer las obligaciones del dia…hoy se despertaron aquellos que han perdido un ser querido, hay otros con el peso de grandes decisiones …hay otros botes en este charco y a todos les afecta la tormenta! When one member of the body is hurt others suffer…the whole creation groans…

 3.     Como reacciono ante las dificultades   dela vida…HOW DO I REACT TO THE DIFFICUTIES OF LIFE!

 Albert Einstein is credited with the quote, “Adversity introduces a man to himself 
Se le atribuyen a Albert Einstein las siguientes palabras: La adversidad le introduce su propio ser a una persona!

 Our lesson from 1 Samuel descibes am Israeli army that is demoralized, that flees before the enemy and are unable to respond to Goliath’s challenge! Whenever the saw him they ran for ther lives! THey were afraid! Has that ever happened to you?  That fear has been your very first response to an unexpected situation in your life…! 

1 Samuel 17 describe un ejército Israelita desmoralizado y temeroso ante sus enemigos, e incapaces de responder al reto del gigante Goliat…Cuando le veian , huian atemorizados! Te ha pasado alguna vez? Que el temor, el miedo ha sido la primera respuesta a una situacion dificil en tu vida?

 Many of the apostles were fishermen…used to storms in the sea of Galilee…but the fury of the wind and waves….filled them with grave concern.. they feared for their lives….they must have asked where God was in all that…where Jesus was and they caught him sleep….! I will confess I do not like the idea of God sleeping at times…specially when I am in the middle of a crisis….dude don’t you see we are sinking here,,,don’t you care if we drown! 

Muchos de los apostoles eran Pescadores, acostumbrados a tormentas en el mar de Galilea, pero la furia del viento y las olas les llenaron de preocupacion, tenia miedo de perder sus vidas! Deseguro que se preguntaron donde esta Dios aui….oye y Jesus que hace  y lo hataron dormido en el bote! Confieso que no me gusta esta imagen, la de Jesus . Dios , durmiendo en medio de mi crisis! Oye no vez que nos hundimos, no te importa si nos ahogamos?

For some reason I have the idea that when seems are off in my life…the whole of heaven has been overtaken by my crisis…pandemonium reins in the heavenlies…Miguel is having a bad day! The seraphs can’t find their tune, the heavenly creatures have stopped singing Holy …God is surprised and in shock that he could not foresee this problem in my life…REALLY NOW!

De alguna manera, yo me he hecho la idea de que cuando hay crisis en mi vida, que el universo entero se estremece por mi situacion, se esta acabando el mundo y en el cielo reina el caos…Miguel esta estresado….los serafines dejan de cantar, los seres celestiales dejan de decir Santo…y hasta Dios esta sorprendido con su descuido, como es que no me di cuanta que Miguel esta en crisis! NO ME DIGAS!

 1 Peter 5: 9 stand firm in your faith and in the knowledge that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kinds of suffering.  / 1 Pedro Mantensanse pues firmes en su fe, sabiendo que sus hermanos en todo el mundo pasan Tambien por sufrimentos!

There is a choice to be made in unexpected circumstances and storms in my life…whether to be overcome by fear, distress or wether to turn to the Lord in faith…for the Christian faith is the only choice…not the faith that denies the hardship….this aint hell and I am not here…!!!! YES WE SEE AND FEEL THE STORM AND WE TURN TO GOD!

Cuando hay situaciones inesperadas y tormentas en uestra vida tenemos que elegir! Que hago, dejo que la preocupacion y el temor me ahogen o con fe busco a Dios! La fe Cristiana no NIEGA que hay problemas…no bobo aqui no hay calor, no hay olas…! CLARO QUE VEMOS LA TORMENTA ,LA SENTIMOS PERO RECURRIMOS A DIOS!

 The disciples had the presence of mind to go to Jesus…wake up Lord…we are drowning here…The Lord rebukes the wind and the waves and all is calm….. ! 

Los disipulos no eran bobos, fueron a despertar a Jesus…oye no ahogamos! Y el Senor, reprendio las olas y los vientos y se hizo la calma!

There are moments in our life…when only God can help us….we are facing giant or difficulties or storms…it is he whom we need at our side…/ Hay momentos en nuestra vida en los que solo Dios puede ayudarmos…estamos enfrentados a gigantes, a dificultades, a tormentas y es a El a quien recurrimos!

 Christ speaks and there is calm, David invokes the name of God…and hurls his stone and the giant falls to the ground! 

CRISTO habla y hay calma, David invoca el nombre del Señor…Lanza la Piedra y el gigante cae al piso!


 After every storm or crisis there is a lesson we learn, there is a blessing we somehow receive…. there is a growth in our understanding of God, of ourselves…!

DESPUES DE CADA TORMENTA O CRISIS, hay una leccion que aprendems, una bendicion que recibimos…crecemos en conocernos a nosotros mismos y a Dios!

 Who is this man…whom waves and sea obey….? .The eyes of the disciples are open to the magnitude of Christ’s power and person. Fear is changed into awe….and their lives have been changed…

Quien es este a quien aun el mar y los vientos obedecen. El miedo se trasforma en aombro… y las vidas de los discipulos  han sido tranbsformadas una vez mas!



Friday, June 18, 2021

Are You More Open Minded?


I have been a asked that and it is hard to answer! 

I have not changed my mind about the things that brought me to our church; the beauty of liturgy and sacraments, the role of women in all areas of church  life, the importance of the laity, inclusion of LGBT in the church, the ability to question!  ☦💒⚡🌈

I have not changed my mind about the importance of the Creeds. the divinity of Christ, the importance of Scripture, the importance of marriage, the sanctity of human life!  👼

I know we can not function without the power of the Holy Spirit, nor without true acceptance and love! 

I have NO time for religion, still find many rules we Episcopalians abide by very unhelpful to mission! I have told the bishop! 😄

I have sung a few songs from the 1982 Hymnal but it is not my cup of tea...though I admit to liking hymns more now. 🎼

I am no longer surprised when a fellow Episcopalian denies the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, salvation through Christ, the reality of sin...rants about substitutionary atonement or they randomly quote the departed John Spong, whom I never followed! Some people do that... not my circus! 🎪🤡

I love Rachel Evans, may she rest in peace, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schorrii taught me many things!  Bishop Michael Curry is a great preacher! I am not a fan of Diana Butler Bass! 

I do not like the vocal politics of many in our church ....but do not have to, nor agree! 🤮

SO,  I am not sure my mind is more open...BUT, mouth sure is! I find myself more vocal, more likely to speak out when I perceive what seems like injustice, more likely to object even if others find it impolite, and definitely to let you know exactly what I think... if you ask, and sometimes even if you do not!  😎

More open minded...I don't know, more open mouth...yep! Not quite the development I expected but, seems to fit my Cubanness and the reality of being a Latino in the Episcopal Church...a tiny but growing minority of folks! I am not sure how I feel about that yet! 


Thursday, June 17, 2021

On Life and Family! Vida y Familia!

Third Sunday after Pentecost, Tercer Domingo de Pentecostes B, June  13, 2020

Isaiah- Isaías 61:9-11,  Revelation-Apocalipsis 12:7-12, Luke-Lucas 2:41-51 

Our lessons today all seem to touch on the theme of family! Nuestras lecturas de hoy todas parecen hablar de la familia!  

The New Testament lesson shows a vision in heaven yet it is one …a woman who with pain and struggle gives birth to a son! La lectura del Nuevo Testamento nos presenta una vision del Cielo en la cual una mujer con sufrimiento y dificultad da a luz un hijo!

Our gospel takes us to the family life of Mary and Joseph, and the challenges they face up to raising a teenager…even one named Jesus. He gets lost during a trip and seems to not understand why his parents were so worried about his safety!/ Nuestro evangelio nos lleva a la vida familiar de Jose y Maria incluyendo el reto de criar a un hijo  al que vemos en un momento de su adolecencia…! Se  pierde durate un viaje y parece noo entender el porque sus padres estan preocupados! Nada facil aunque se llame Jesus!

The prophet Isaiah contains what may be every parents hope for their children, that they may be blessed of God, that they be “renowned …people of good reputation/ El profeta Isaias, contiene lo que probablemente sea el deseo de cada padre para sus cada abuelo para sus nietos…que seam bendecidos de Dios , conocidos como gente de buen nombre de buena reputacion!

Here are a few things I see for our meditation this morning…Things we have needed in life as we have navigated , love, marriage and family in a complicated and ever changing world! / Aqui algunas cositas que creo que nos hacen falta en esta vida, cosas que hemos necesitado al navegar el amor, el matrimonio y la familiar en un mundo complicado y cambiante…!

The first one is COURAGE/ La primera es VALOR:

Elisabeth Elliot once said, “It takes guts to be a mom.” Really life is for the brave…Jesus once said the same thing about the kingdom of God…it requires courage!/ Elizabeth Elliot dijera una vez..: Hay que tener pantalones para ser una madre” . La vida es algo de valientes, hasta Jesus dijo lo mismo acerca del reino de Dios…requiere valor!

Having a family is not for the faint hearted….it is a great blessing from God… but it is not without a struggle! It takes courage! / El formar una familia no es para cobardes, si es una bendicion de Dios..pero no viene sin luchas..requiere valentia!

Look at the intense spiritual battle surrounding the woman and her child in our text from revelation…even though angels fought the dragon and his angels…courage is also required of us…! Sometimes life is a battle, family life is no exception…keeping your spouse, your children safe and sane in an insane world is going to require courage of the sort God gives! / Mira la intensa batalla spiritual que rodea la mujer y a su hijo en nuestra lectura del Apocalipsis..y aunque nos dice que los angeles pelearon contra el dragon y sus angeles…eso no quita que hay que tener valor para la lucha! A veces la vida es una batalla..y en un mundo que a veces es loco y hostil el mantener a tu pareja y tus hijos seguros y cuerdos va a requerir de la cladse de valor que solo Dios puede dar!

Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid for the Lord your God goes with you!/ Deutronomio 31:6 SE fuerte y valiente, no temas porque el Senor tu Dios estara contigo! /

2 Timothy 1:7  For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control./ 2 Timoteo 1:7 Dios no nos dio un Espiritu de cobardia, sino de poder amor y dominio propio!



The gospel relates part of the religious life of Jesus parents a yearly pilgrimage from Nazaret to Jerusalem for the festival…! We know this was not just an ocassional thing! EVERY YEAR…even when Jesus was a baby …8 days after his birth they circumcised him, 40 days after they went to the temple to worship…! There are years listed here where there seems to have been little excitement BUT WHERE they lived a life of faithfulness to one another and to God!    / El evangelio relata parte de la vida religiosa de los padres de Jesus! Aqui hay un peregrinaje todos los años a Jerusalen a adorar. Pero sabemos por el evangelio de Lucas que Maria y Jose eran una pareja devota, fiel a Dios! A los 8 dias de nacido circuncidaron a Jesus segun la constumbre, a los 40 dias lo llevaron a presentar en el templo! Aqui hay un recuento de anos donde no parece que hay nada interesante que decir…PERO QUE DAN TESTIMONIO!, NOS HABLAN DE UNA VIDA DE FIDELIDAD EL UNO AL OTRO A SU FAMILA Y A DIOS!         

Sometimes we look for highlights and forget the importance of daily, humdrum ,boring faithfulness a friendship, a relationship, a family.  The faithfulness God deserves, not just in special days but in our daily life! A veces pasamos por alto la fidelidad de cada dia, en una Amistad, en una relacion, en la familia! Y por supuesto la fidelidad que le debemos a Dios, no solo en ciertos momentos especiales sino el diario vivir.  

Luke 9:23 Jesus said! If anyone wants to be my disciple let him deny himself take up his cross EACH DAY and follow me! Lucas 9: 23…JESUS DIJO Si alguno quiere ser discipulo mio, nieguese a si mimo TOME SU CRUZ CADA DIA y sigame!

That is particularly true when it comes to faithfulness to God! PROVERBS 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go”…is a bible verse we all know, but often forget that the train part is hard, its routine its every day, it is repetitive. / QUE VERDAD tan grande esta cuando se trata de fidelidad a Dios…Proverbios 22:6 Instruye al nino en el camino de Dios..en el camino debido… todos conocemos este verso..pero se nos olvida que la parte de instruir, de entrenar es dificil, rutina, repetitiva!

I remember the day of my first communion at Our lady of the Assumption in Baracoa Cuba…what a celebration that was…! I also remember the dozens of times my mom would dress us kids and every Sunday walk us to church , struggle so that we would stay quiet during the mass and teach us about God! I read this text and am reminded that we need faithfulness!!/ RECUERDO EL DIA DE MI PRIMERA COMUNION, Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion, BARACOA CUBA….que clase de celebracion tan hermosa! Pero tambien recuerdo los cientos de veces que mi madre nos vestia y cada Domingo nos llevava caminando a la Iglesia,  a veces sin nosotros querer ! Y nada hablar de la lucha para que estuvieramos quietos durante la misa,  y aprendieramos acerca de Dios! LEO ESTE TEXTO BIBLICO Y ME RECUERDO QUE NECESITAMOS FIDELIDAD A DIOS!


I can imagine Mary and Joseph year after year raising a child who has been announced as Messiah, as Savior yet….is quite human I wonder if they ever thought…how long is it going to take? When is the promise about our child going to be fulfilled? / Te imaginas a Maria y Jose cada ano criando al nino que anuncio el angel commo mesias..pero que es bien humano, se habran preguntado…cuanto tarda esto? Cuando se manifestara la promesa acerca de nuestro hijo?

The episode we read about in the gospel is quite interesting….the child Jesus in the temple! We make it seem quite spiritual…! Everyone full of wonder at his words, I have to be in my father’s house that Jesus said! But, for a minute, put yourself in Mary and Joseph’s shoes…!  You have a missing teenager, and cant find him for 3 days! When you do find him…he is sassy and says: “why were you worried?” My parents would have beat me,  and grounded me for a year…./ El episodio que leemos en el evangelio es interesantisimo, El nino Jesus en el templo…lo hacemos tan spiritual..todos maravillados de su sabiduria y palabras…y su declaracion, tengo que estar en la casa de mi padre!  Ponte ahora en los zapatos de sus padres! Se les perdio tu hijp adoescente y no lo encuentras con tres dias…! Cuando lo hayas …que zoquete , como te responde algo insolente! “Por que se preocuparon”. , MIS PADRES ME HUBIERAN DADO SENDA PALIZA Y CASTIGADO POR UN año!

Maybe his did too…it says after that he went home and was subject to them in all things! Things take time, for love to mature takes time! Spiritual growth takes time…patience is required. / Quizas eso hicieron Maria y Jose, dice el texto despues, que el regreso a casa y estuvo sujeto y obediente en todo! LAS COSAS TOMAN TIEMPO, QUE MADURE EL AMOR, EL CRECIMIENTO ESPIRITUAL SE TARDA…NOS HACE FALTA PACIENCIA!


I wonder how much prayer and waiting was required of our parents , of you …to see in your children, grandchildren…people blessed of the Lord…sometimes years of prayer, trusting , believing in God! / Me pregunto cuantos años DE espera tuvieron nuestros padres o abuelos  para ver en sus hijps y nietos lo que dice el profeta….gente de bien bendecidos por Dios? A veces MUCHO TIEMPO de rezo y oracion de confiar y creer en las promesas de Dios!


Galatians 6:9  Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up…”/  Así que no nos cansemos de hacer el bien. A su debido tiempo, cosecharemos numerosas bendiciones si no nos damos por vencidos.

LOVE/ AMOR: Mary guarded, treasured all those things is her heart…! Love wraps it all up…Love makes it all worth it! Treasure these memories in your heart and nurture the love God has gifted each of you….Love conquers all!/ Maria guardaba y atesoraba todas estas cosas en su corazon..el amor hace que todo valga la pena! Atesora las memorias y el amor que Dios te da en tu corazon, atesora el amor que Dios te ha Regalado…amor todo lo puede, el amor todo lo logra y nunca deja de existir!