Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A post Scripture Church?

 Now, it is no secret that Anglicanism has historically been a roomy place where multiple interpretations of Scripture, theology and churchmanship have coexisted! This, of course, amidst conflict, conversation, and debate!

It has been so in the Episcopal Church, long known for its progressive leanings, but which for much of its history, has been home to liberals, conservatives, Anglo-Catholics and a sprinkling of Charismatics. 

This week, it feels like it may be no more…

The presenting issue is that of  same sex marriage in the church! 

Do not get me wrong, an overwhelming majority of Episcopal clergy and lay people, myself included, have long been advocates for same sex marriage in civil society, and for gay couples in long term relationships, to be welcome into the Church. Even among conservative Episcopalians, the idea that blessings should be extended to same sex couples in civil marriage has not been unwelcome! 

That the prayer book might be altered or that the sacrament of marriage as has historically been held in this church should be changed, is another matter altogether!

After what has seemed like decades of conversation, controversy, trial liturgies and debate,  2018 General Convention passed Resolution B012 making same sex marriage available in all dioceses of the church!  In effect, no bishop of the church could prohibit same sex couples from being married in a parish of their diocese, if they so desired.

“As of Advent 1 of 2018, in all dioceses where the marriage of same-sex couples is legal under civil law, no bishop of the Episcopal Church may prohibit the use of the Trial Use marriage rites..”

The few bishops theologically opposed to same gender marriage, were to arrange for alternative episcopal oversight, for those parishes who desired to offer this service for same sex couples. All acquiesced, except Bishop Love of Albany who, using arguments from Scripture and the historic teaching of this church from the Book of Common Prayer,  forbid the marriage of same sex couples in his diocese.   

Then came the Disciplinary panel, which unanimously found Bishop Love guilty of violating the doctrine and discipline of the church, and a few days ago his resignation as Bishop of the Diocese of Albany! 

Some have hailed it as a long awaited victory for full inclusion of gay and lesbians in the life of the  Episcopal Church! Others, as an ominous and  surprising moment when the church, formally made, the teaching of Scripture, of the Anglican Communion, its own historic understanding of marriage and the Book of Common Prayer, take second place to The General Convention’s current understanding of marriage.

This might be, in modern history the first time that, a Christian bishop is disciplined and effectively removed from office, for championing the teaching about  marriage long held in the Episcopal Church, taught in the Bible, and mentioned by Jesus Christ himself.

I must admit not having any idea of what will happen, but I hold no illusions! Our church has sailed into uncharted waters and though, diversity in thought is still found in our church, it does seem being too vocal about certain views could land you outside the doors, even if Jesus himself had uttered similar things!

At times like this, I am reminded of this seldom read tidbit from the 39 Articles:

“…Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation: so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man, that it should be believed as an article of the Faith..”

It seems that when it comes to marriage, that is no longer the case in The Episcopal Church!


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

What my parents taught me about voting!

 Perhaps, it was the experience my parents had in Castro's Cuba, that led them to always remind us of what was for them a certainty: 


My mom and dad were among the idealistic young Cubans who opposed the dictatorship of Batista, Cuba's strongman before 1959! They wholeheartedly risked their life and gave their support to a charismatic young revolutionary who promised freedom for the island, elections, safety and prosperity! One who insisted, even as his movement triumphed, that there was no socialism , no communism in his ideals nor the future of their island.

Sure thing...! We all know how that went! 

I am a Marxist Leninist was Fidel Castro's announcement when he had seized power in Cuba, sending many of those who had risked their life for the ideals of freedom scrambling for exile in Miami!  Older Cubans still joke that when Fidel said his revolution was "green" like the palm trees, he really meant it was like a watermelon, pretty green on the outside, red on the inside! 

POLITICIANS LIE!  That for us has been part of  our education and political participation in the United States, ever since I can remember! 

Look at what they have done, not at their eloquence, looks or promises! In politics, my parents insisted , actions speak louder than words! Also that it is issues, goals, that are the driving force of the party or candidate to support.  Vote for what matters to you, for the things you would like to see in our society, for the future you want to see....and for the candidate, however flawed that you feel can help further those goals! Sometimes they will keep the promises they made while campaigning, most of the times they will not!

My parents lessons sure have come in handy over the years! I admit to not always following their advise! We all have been drawn to different politicians, loved their speeches, their energy, the idea behind their candidacy and have chosen to vote on that! Putting personality, education, TV image and charisma over concrete actions and goals. More often than not , it is disappointing!

This year I went with the tried and true lessons we learned! Its the issues that matter, the actions, the promises kept, the things that further a future where you would like your children to live in successfully!  As someone once said, 

" My vote is a chess move, not a valentine"! 

Remember as you go vote!



Supreme Court Changes!

Since I was a teenager, one of the unchanging goals that took Evangelical and like minded Christians to the polls every election cycle, was that, somehow the Supreme Court's makeup would change.

Today, after 30 years, that goal and promise was kept by none other than someone, THAT I PERSONALY judged unelectable, unworthy of the Republican party and of my vote in 2016!

Wow...what a lesson for me! What others could or would not do, the least likely in my eyes, KEPT HIS PROMISE and did! He had the chance to appoint not one but three justices to the highest court in the land! Who would have though that? Not me!

God can use anyone he chooses to further whatever he pleases his time! God bless our president! May the Spirit of Truth and Love give our new justices WISDOM to judge impartially and rightly!



The Incredible Shrinking Church

I have now been an Episcopalian for over a decade. On June 2008 the CEC parish of El Mesías was received in the Episcopal diocese of Florida to much fanfare and a hearty welcome! I have no regrets at all, overall the diocese of Florida has been a good home to us, and our ministry in the heart of the Arlington Neighborhood has been fruitful.

Yet for all that, the Episcopal Church is full of surprises. There are many things admirable about the Episcopal Church which I and others in our parish love! Yet, every three years, the National Convention with its discussions and resolutions, seem to throw our parish into weeks of questions, uncertainty and distraction from our mission to worship God and spread the good news! Are they changing the prayer book? How is the canon on marriage different? Will we have to do that at our parish? Can we do it? Is our church now against Israel? We have to do whaaaaaat to our bathrooms? Estan locos?  

Episcopal clergy rightly are vocal about the things they believe in, and the internet keeps a record of that forever! That is not always a positive thing! Imagine explaining to people in a family oriented, largely conservative parish, stuff they happen to stumble on as they surf in the world wide web…How is it that “ Abortion is a Blessing” ? And how in the world can Episcopal priest and Seminary president  say that?  Or.. this recent beauty: How can a bishop be disciplined for following what the Bible says clearly about marriage?

It is another surprise, as we explore the status of our diocese and church over the years…when the Parochial Report and Statistics come out every September! It seems every year there are a lot less Episcopalians!  

Since we came into the Episcopal Church in June 2008, average Sunday attendance for TEC has dropped by 24.5 %. There is now 177,770 less Episcopalians.

As a parish working with mainly Latino members, many of whom move frequently looking for work or better opportunities, we are used to church attendance waxing and waning! There usually is a balance, you lose some, you gain some!  That is hard to see when we gaze at the latest statistics from TEC.

Anecdotally, I would think that the numbers may be a little different for Latino parishes and missions, most of my friends in Hispanic ministry seem to think that their churches are either stable or growing. But then, if we consider the Episcopal Church in Province 9, churches in Central and South America; their attendance has dropped by a whopping 40% in the last decade.    

I am sure we have lost members and prospects, over the years,  due to some of the things that land our church in the news. It is also true that, many of the young adults raised in our parish, who have moved away for college or have begun a life away from family, of those who remain committed Christians, most have chosen other communities of faith instead of the Episcopal Church.   

However, for many people at San Lucas, the warmth of the parish family, the celebration of the Eucharist and practical teaching of scripture along with years of relationships seems enough for them to stay and call our church a spiritual home!  

It has been a blessing that we pray lasts, even as we are part of a beautiful, historic, amazing and incredibly shrinking Church , not just in numbers but in theological perspectives.

This is all before COVID 19…! I must confess that judging by our parish numbers as we reopen from 6 months of a shut church, with services online, it seems to me that we and our beloved Episcopal Church have serious challenges ahead! 

I have no solutions to offer for this complex problem but, if it ever was proper to pray, this is a time when we should do so much more seriously!

