Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A post Scripture Church?

 Now, it is no secret that Anglicanism has historically been a roomy place where multiple interpretations of Scripture, theology and churchmanship have coexisted! This, of course, amidst conflict, conversation, and debate!

It has been so in the Episcopal Church, long known for its progressive leanings, but which for much of its history, has been home to liberals, conservatives, Anglo-Catholics and a sprinkling of Charismatics. 

This week, it feels like it may be no more…

The presenting issue is that of  same sex marriage in the church! 

Do not get me wrong, an overwhelming majority of Episcopal clergy and lay people, myself included, have long been advocates for same sex marriage in civil society, and for gay couples in long term relationships, to be welcome into the Church. Even among conservative Episcopalians, the idea that blessings should be extended to same sex couples in civil marriage has not been unwelcome! 

That the prayer book might be altered or that the sacrament of marriage as has historically been held in this church should be changed, is another matter altogether!

After what has seemed like decades of conversation, controversy, trial liturgies and debate,  2018 General Convention passed Resolution B012 making same sex marriage available in all dioceses of the church!  In effect, no bishop of the church could prohibit same sex couples from being married in a parish of their diocese, if they so desired.

“As of Advent 1 of 2018, in all dioceses where the marriage of same-sex couples is legal under civil law, no bishop of the Episcopal Church may prohibit the use of the Trial Use marriage rites..”

The few bishops theologically opposed to same gender marriage, were to arrange for alternative episcopal oversight, for those parishes who desired to offer this service for same sex couples. All acquiesced, except Bishop Love of Albany who, using arguments from Scripture and the historic teaching of this church from the Book of Common Prayer,  forbid the marriage of same sex couples in his diocese.   

Then came the Disciplinary panel, which unanimously found Bishop Love guilty of violating the doctrine and discipline of the church, and a few days ago his resignation as Bishop of the Diocese of Albany! 

Some have hailed it as a long awaited victory for full inclusion of gay and lesbians in the life of the  Episcopal Church! Others, as an ominous and  surprising moment when the church, formally made, the teaching of Scripture, of the Anglican Communion, its own historic understanding of marriage and the Book of Common Prayer, take second place to The General Convention’s current understanding of marriage.

This might be, in modern history the first time that, a Christian bishop is disciplined and effectively removed from office, for championing the teaching about  marriage long held in the Episcopal Church, taught in the Bible, and mentioned by Jesus Christ himself.

I must admit not having any idea of what will happen, but I hold no illusions! Our church has sailed into uncharted waters and though, diversity in thought is still found in our church, it does seem being too vocal about certain views could land you outside the doors, even if Jesus himself had uttered similar things!

At times like this, I am reminded of this seldom read tidbit from the 39 Articles:

“…Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation: so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man, that it should be believed as an article of the Faith..”

It seems that when it comes to marriage, that is no longer the case in The Episcopal Church!


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