Friday, January 11, 2019

Gay and Happy?

As we rejoice over ever more equality  for LGBT persons, there is are aspects of life in the gay community we would rather not see. Here is an interesting article that helps us see needs beyond equality, to issues of the heart, of self acceptance, image and health. 

These are things the gospel and Christians should have at least some answers for!That is, if as we proclaim, we believe in a God of love, we believe in the dignity of every human person, we accept that humans bear the divine image and all are called to abundant life in Jesus.

Should these stories be true, there is also a need for more study and attention from the medical and mental health community to the needs so sincerely expressed in this article


For years I’ve noticed the divergence between my straight friends and my gay friends. While one half of my social circle has disappeared into relationships, kids and suburbs, the other has struggled through isolation and anxiety, hard drugs and risky sex.None of this fits the narrative I have been told, the one I have told myself....




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