Monday, July 22, 2013

Martha, Martha, One Thing Is Needed…

Monday is here again, so soon, and I must admit to feeling quite tired.  I did take some time to loaf, but am more certain today that, a vestry meeting Saturday and three services on Sunday probably were not helpful to an overall restful weekend.  Then there was the gospel lesson!

"Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing". 
 No disrespect intended but, if that exchange would  have taken place on a Monday like today, I can envision her dropping the apron and saying with the sweetest smile ever; “…great, make your own dinner, I am in need of only one thing …and it is not this”. 

It is not that I disagree with the Lord about choosing the “better thing” , nor that too much busyness can spoil our perspective and rob us of the joy in service! It is just that, sometimes, there are many things that do need attention, few people to help tend them, and too many who seem intent on making the tasks just a bit harder.  Nothing like a busy Monday morning when you are already tired to bring these reflections to mind!

The gospel scene with one sister working and the other one sitting calmly and perhaps choosing not to notice the chores mirrors real life way too often. I have often asked the Lord about this, but keep running into the passage in the gospel where Jesus tells his disciples to ask the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his field. Perhaps, my thoughts chime in, that would be a solution, if said laborers would come willing, docile and trained! 

In my experience, more hands do not make the work necessarily lighter…according to my mom, more hands can mean more mess! Sometimes the adage does hold true that, too many cooks in one pot spoil the brew, or perhaps the one where there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians! And then there is the case we read about Sunday, there were enough hands in that house all right; one Messiah, 12 disciples with assorted skills and a sister…not a one in the kitchen!  

Monday is in full bloom!!!! I have a schedule filled of people who come with concerns and physical ailments, several unanswered calls and emails, a music minister to hire, people drama at church, and a host of demands for my limited time and attention…never mind the requests for authorizations, records and assorted mountains of paperwork on my desk!.The chance of any of that disappearing if I just take time to sit, or that there is help forthcoming for the day is nil! 

On this busy day what part can I choose? Not every Mary has the luck of a Martha to enable her choices, even if grudgingly!  Today it is crystal clear that choosing the better part does not always seem to include laying down your apron, your computer or stethoscope, or choosing not to listen! And never ever does that happen on a Monday!

Well here it is; I am going to repent….yes already! Then, pray, smile, slowly and deliberately tend to my duties at hand and thank God for his presence in the midst of busyness and turmoil. I will do what I must and at the end of the day, the rest can just wait!   

Next Friday I must revisit my scheduling priorities, after all, I have it from good authority that ; “there is only one thing needed!  




Rhoto said...

Hello! What is the Title/Painter of the oil work?
Putting out fires, setting priorities, making to-do-lists...
Sometimes my best-used time is to delight my beloved Toon with a read-aloud story. To ADD more colour and voice to his closing eyes and ears. ("That's E as in each, a as in ..." LOL We spell out the stories.)
Cleaning, ironing, shopping, etc. can wait ;D
Blessings to you Father, Doctor as you rest and work!!
Rhonda Joyce Morrill

seraph said...

The oil work relates to the gospel story but I do not know the author. Overall the day went busy but well, managed to sneak in some fun! Blessings!