Thursday, December 30, 2021
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
All Saints Eve: Isaiah 25:6-9, Revelation 21:1-6a, John 11:32-44
Isaiah 25:6-9
"...On this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of
well-aged wines, of rich food filled with marrow, of well-aged wines strained clear. And he will
destroy on this mountain the shroud that is cast over all peoples, the sheet that is spread overall
nations; He will swallow up death forever...."
What a contrast we see in the lessons we read this morning! Two realities unfold before us!
The prophet Isaias describes our situation as living life covered by a veil! He speaks of a shroud that covers the face of all people that darkens all the nations! There is a shadow that affects us and all creation!
Jesus himself said to his disciples, in this world you will have difficulties!
John, 16:33 ~ I have said these things to you, that
in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation
The other reality we see in a vision of the Spirit!
God speaks to the Apostle John and has promised to make all things new, to set all things right! there is no hunger or thirst , where there is no mourning or pain, no scorching heat and where the tears of all will be no more!
It is to God and to the peace and beauty of this place that we have
entrusted our loved ones who have departed this life. We no longer see them but still are united to them by love! Today as we remember them we pray that they delight in the presence of God, that their sorrows are healed, and that we will one day be together again!
It is also the promise of Jesus to the grieving sisters in our gospel lesson. I am the resurrection and the life, those who believe in me will live even though they die…! And this one to his disciples, In my fathers house there are many rooms…I will go and prepare a place for you and I will come for you so you can be where I am!
Between one reality and another we wander! We are people that are passing by, folks looking for another place! Those who are immigrants have a sense of what that means…preparing to leave a place for another! we are folks that should understand impermanence, people who are citizens of the nations yet also hold a citizenship in heaven.
Mark 9:30-37
Jesus and his disciples passed through Galilee. He did not want anyone to know it; for he was teaching his disciples, saying to them, “The Son of Man is to be betrayed into human hands, and they will kill him, and three days after being killed, he will rise again.” But they did not understand what he was saying and were afraid to ask him.
Then they came to Capernaum; and when he was in the house he asked them, “What were you arguing about on the way?” But they were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another who was the greatest. He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.” Then he took a little child and put it among them; and taking it in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.”
Our text from St. Mark leads us to consider and meditate upon some basic aspects of our faith and what it means to be a Christian, First thing that comes to mind is:
To be a disciple is to be a pupil, a student one who learns from Jesus.
Sometimes images like these pass us by as we read and think about scenes in Scripture which are full of stories about Jesus preaching to the multitudes or healing the sick...yet here we find that Jesus is avoiding the crowds because he is teaching the disciples!
Here are a few other examples of this truth:
John 6:45: "As it is written in the Scriptures, ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me"
Hebrews 5:8 " Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered"
Hebrews 8:11 "Not one of them will have to teach another to know me, their Lord.' “All of them will know me, no matter who they are...."
The Apostles were though to have been uneducated men but in ACTS 13 it is noted that their confidence amazed their hearers and it was understood that they had been with Jesus, his disciples!
We should never forget that first and foremost we are called to be pupils...disciples of Christ.
Sometimes we think that simply coming to the gospel or perhaps attending church automatically frees us from the inner desire of domination...of being my own God, of being master, telling others how to live and what to do...! Here is a clear example of this issue which we all face....the pecking order! It happens at church, school and in our homes! We struggle to prevail in big and small ways!
PERHAPS this is a reason why the apostle Paul, speaks to couples and to Christians, about the importance of being subject to God AND to one another for love of God.
Jesus did not ignore this power struggle among his disciples!
LUKE 22:25
"And there arose also a dispute among them as to which one
of them was regarded to be greatest. And He said to them, "The kings of the
Gentiles lord it over them; and those who have authority over them are called
'Benefactors.' "But it is not this way with you, but the one who is
the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the
The interesting thing is in their discussion about earthly preeminence, they missed the Lord teaching concerning real power, the power which would bring someone crucified back to life. and they were AFRAID TO ASK HIM.
What is the real power of our faith? I can think of a few things; the power of humility, forgiveness, obedience, power to sear the voice of God, the power that transform, hatred into love, sorrow into joy, death into life eternal. POWER OF PRAYER AND SERVICE AND THANKSGIVING AND WORSHIP.
The medieval Mediterranean theologian Thomas Aquinas taught that in a raging fire a husband was obliged to save his father first, then his mother, next his wife, and last of all his young child. When a famine came upon the land, children would be fed last, after the adults!
The gospel is about God and about people! God's love for people, his death for people , his welcoming of people, his eating with people, his grieving with people , his feasting with people,,,,his defense of people, his prayers for people. Even those society deems as less important or unworthy, God loves and values!
THEY ALREADY HAD, TEMPLE , SACRIFICES, THE RITUALS, THE RULES....all this they knew! THEY forgot that the gospel is about people!
Saturday, July 3, 2021
PENTECOST 6 B When I am weak, Cuando estoy debil!
For those of us who have at one time or another felt daunted as we face the uncertainties of life, weak and unprepared for a task or challenge, disappointed at the way something ended up turning out, today's lessons are a source of encouragement.
Para aquellos de nosotros que alguna vez nos hemos sentido incapaces al enfrentar las incertidumbres de la vida, debiles o sin preparacion para un reto, o desilucionados por la manera en que algo nos sale, creiamos que era con guitarra y sale con violin…estas lecturas son para ti y para mi!
1. When the task set before us seems daunting./ Cuando la tarea parece imposible
God speaks to Ezequiel in the midst of a powerful visitation, a vision powerful and difficult to describe, and even as he humbled and cowed by his experience kneels before the Lord he is commanded to stand to his feet!
Dios le habla a Ezequiel en una vision poderosa y dificil de describir pero en el momento en que el profeta, impresionado y atemorizado por su experiencia se arrodilla ante el Señor, Dios le dice..ponte de pie!
The task before him is to speak to a people rebellious. God calls them transgressors, impudent and stubborn. He states that they likely will refuse to hear...yet he sets the task on Ezequiel to go speak to them on His behalf.
La tarea, la encomienda que Dios le da es hablarle a un pueblo rebelde. Dios les llama obstinados y tercos! Le dice que lo probable es que se nieguen a escucharlo… pero de igual manera envia a Ezequiel a hablarles de su parte!
2. When we struggle with weakness, between revelation and reality/ Cuando nos enfrentamos a nuestras debilidades!
Paul the Apostle is no stranger to revelation and spiritual experiences with God. In the text we read from first Corinthians he speaks of a man who is caught up to the third heaven and sees and hears words that are unspeakable- yet this same man is beset by torment, a messenger of the adversary a weakness or thorn in his flesh.
El Apostol Pablo ha tenido muchas revelaciones de parte de Dios. En el texto leemos como el habla de uno que fue llevado a lugares celestiales donde ve y escucha cosas inefables, imposibles de explicar …pero ese miemo hombre tiene una debilidad, un tormento, un mensajero del adversario a lo que el llama una espina clavada en el cuerpo!
A man who has seen the glory of God, spoken the good news to many , himself been used to do miracles and heal- yet finds himself weakened by an unnamed affliction!
Un hombre que ha visto la gloria de Dios, le ha hablado a otros las buenas noticias, ha sido usado por Dios para hacer Milagros y sanar a otros…se encuentra debilitado, azotado por una afliccion!
It is God who refuses to answer his prayer of release reminding him there is a power from God, made perfect in weakness! That is hard to accept yet greatly encouraging in our times of weakness! When I am weak, God has enough, God's power is enough, God is at work!
Y para colmo, es Dios mismo el que se rehusa a contester su oracion para ser liberado y es Dios el que le recuerda una verdad incomprensible para nosotros…que hay un poder de Dios que se manifiesta , se perfecciona cuando somos debiles! Esto es algo dificil de acceptar, pero nos alienta, nos da animo en tiempos de debilidad y afliccion! Cuando soy debil…Dios no, Dios es suficiente, su poder es suficiente…Dios esta obrando!
3. When things do not seem to work out the way they should./ Cuando las cosas no nos salen como pensamos!
Jesus goes to his home town and all should be great- yet as he speaks and teaches, things do not work out the way we think- he can do but few miracles among them and is astonished at their unbelief!
Jesus va a su tierra natal y todo a nuestro parecer debiera de haber estado espectacular, sin embargo mientras el predica y enseña las cosan no le salen como pensamos! NO puede hacer alli muchos Milagros, esta sorprendido de la incredulidad de ellos!
What limits you and me ! What is it that renders us weak! / Que nos limita , que nos hace sentir debiles?
Do we like Moses feel impaired in our speech, or like Jeremiah feel like a child, or like David , small and facing Goliath? Do we like the centurion feel unworthy to receive the Lord in our house or hearts...If that is so, know that…God's grace and his power are at work on your behalf...!
Acaso nos sentimos como Moises que no sabemos hablar…ingles, o como Jeemias que se senti a joven e incapaz, como David..pequeño y joven frente al gigante Goliat? Sera que como el centurion romano nos sentimos indignos de recibir al Señor en nuestra caso , en nuestro corazon! Si es asi, ten la seguridad que la gracia de Dios, el poder del Altisimo estan obrando en tu favor!!!!
2 Corinthians chapter 4- Here are words on encouragement from the Apostle Paul at a time of weakness…/ Aqui hay palabras del Apostol Pablo que nos alientan cuando nos sentimos debilitados!
8We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed. We do not get discouraged, for our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal
Nos vemos atribulados en todo, pero no abatidos; perplejos pero no desesperados; perseguidos, pero no abandonados; derribados, pero no destruidos. Por tanto, no nos desanimamos. Pues los sufrimientos ligeros y efÃmeros que ahora padecemos producen una gloria eterna que vale muchÃsimo más que todo sufrimiento.Asà que no nos fijamos en lo visible, sino en lo invisible, ya que lo que se ve es pasajero, mientras que lo que no se ve es eterno.
" When I am weak" Then I am strong…cuando más débil me siento es cuando más fuerte soy!
Eso nos suena ilogico, no tiene sentido! Va en contra del sentido comun, contradice nuestras ideas acerca de la autosuficiencia! Como va a ser possible que en mi debilidad, en mi inseguridad, cuando me enfrento a tareas imposibles, me siento azotado por mi debilidad onlas cosas no me salen bien…entices es que mas fuerte soy?
WE see this is our text from the Prophet Ezequiel…. God speaks: Mortal he says stand up and even with those words a Spirit enters into him and sets him on his feet!
Miren que interesante esta porcion del profeta Ezequiel…Dios habla MORTAL PONTE EN PIE y al escuchar estas palabras El Espiritu entro en el y le hizo pararse!
I love the ideas this conveys, sometimes we think God forgets who and what he are as he sets seemingly impossible things before us, yet he knows we are but mortal, we are frail and limited in our own strength....!
Me encanta la idea , la ensenanza que nos da! A veces creemos que Dios se ha olvidado de que y quienes somos al ponernos frente a tareas y retos que parecen imposible! Pero qui bien lo dice…claro que lo sabe, sabe que somos mortals, fragiles, de fuerza limitada!
Psalm 103: 14 GOD'S WORD® He certainly knows what we are made of. He bears in mind that we are dust./ Dios conoce nuestra condicion, se acuerda de que somos polvo!
Psalm 78:39 He remembered that they were but flesh, a passing breeze that does not return./ Se recuerda que eran carne, una brisa pasajera!
Yet into this mortal impressed beyond words by the glory that he sees- God puts his Spirit and gives him the strength to stand!
Sin embargo en Ezequiel este mortal impresionado por la gloria que contempla, Dios pone su Espiritu y le da la fuerza para estar de pies!!!!
Its almost as an image of the scene at the garden , where God takes a form he has made from dust and breathes spirit into it causing man to become a living soul and then task them with a daunting task ...tending and caring for the very world he has created!
Es casi la imagen del Jardin donde Dios toma algo sin vida que ha formado del poilvo del hjardin, sopla su Espiritu en ella y causa que esa polvo sea un ser viviente! Entonces le encomienda la dificil tarea de cuidar el mundo que Dios creo!
The image of the resurrected Christ appearing to his fearful disciples and blowing , breathing on them just prior to tellig them they are to be sent as the father has sent him!
O quizas una imagen parecida a la del Cristo resucitado que se aparece a sus discipulos que estan aterrrados y les sopla el Espiritu diciendoles que la tarea de ir a mundo como fu eel…como el Padre me envio, los envio a ustedes!
Such it is as we also face the business of our daily life, as Christians in a world which sometimes seems senseless, as we take the prophetic mantles of parenthood, husband wives, friendship, vocations and ministries, children to aging parents....things that require us to stand! It is the spirit that comes into us as we hear God speak gives us the strength to do all we are called to do.
Asi es con nosotros al enfrentarnos a la vida, Cristianos en un mundo que parece sin sentido, nosotros tomando el llamado de ser profetas en nuestras circumstancias , como padres, esposos, esposas, hijos de padres que estan envejeciendo…cosas que requires que estemos firmes, de pies! EL ESPIRITU QUE NOS ENTRA EL ESCUCHAR A DIOS HABLARNOS nos da la fuerza de hacer todo lo que Dios y la vida requieren de nostros!
Paul shares with us the answer he received of the Holy Spirit! God’s answer for the weak, overwhelmed, the tired…"...My grace is sufficient for you...."
Pablo comparte con nostros la respuesta que el recibe del Espiritu Santo! La repsuesta de Dios para el debil , el atribulado, el cansado…” MI GRACIA ES SUFICIENTE PARA TI!
Definition: Grace is God's unmerited favor. It is kindness from God we don't deserve. There is nothing we have done, nor can ever do to earn this favor. It is a gift from God.
Gracia significa favor, un regalo bondadoso de Dios que realmente no merecemos…no hay nada que podamos hacer para ganar la gracia…Dios la da!
God's Riches At Christ's Expense/ La Riqueza de Dios que Cristo nos Da!
Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Por gracias son salvos, por medio de la fe, y esto no viene de ustedes , es un don de Dios!
God told Paul, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness"
Dios dice a Pablo, mi gracia es suficiente para ti, mi poder se hace perfecto en tu debilidad!
2 Corinthians 9:8And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:/ Dios puede hacer que toda gracia abunde para ustedes, a fin de que teniendo siempre todo lo suficiente en todas las cosas, abunden para toda buena obra
God is enough for us to help us with his grace no matter what the situation we face. This week as you are sure to face what seems like more than you can handle…remember these words….when I am weak then I am strong!
Dios es mas que suficiente, para ayudarnos con su gracia en cuelquier situacion que enfrentemos! Esta semana cuando de seguro encontraras situaciones que te lleven al limite de tus fuerzas…recuerda estas palabras…cuando me siento mas debil, mas fuerte soy!
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Lessons from a Storm- Lecciones de Una Tormenta
1 Samuel 17: (1a, 4-11, 19-23), 32-49
2 Corinthians- Corintios 6:1-4
St. Mark-San Marcos 4:35-41
Jesus has been teaching his disciples from a boat in the shores of the sea of Gallilee! As the sun sets he tells them to board the boat and cross to the other side!
Jesús ha estado enseñando a las multitudes y a sus discÃpulos desde un bote en las orillas del mar de Galilea! Y ya al anochecer les indica que suban al bote para cruzar al otro lado…
And then….it happens, a storm comes! That’s life and this is our first lesson from the text!
Y entonces…pasa, se desata una tormenta!!!! Asà pasa a veces y esta quizás sea nuestra primera lección de este texto!
1. In life we are going to have to face the unexpected/ En
la vida vamos a enfrentar cosas inesperadas!
In this case it is a storm. In the lesson we read from Samuel 17, it is a giant, Goliath who comes from the ranks of the enemy to challenge the people of God!
Qué hermoso empezó este dÃa….cuantas ilusiones con este nuevo trabajo, nos mudamos…que ilusión…en nuestro matrimonio, en el noviazgo y de pronto, truena y relampaguea!!
Spurgeon: Thus may our loveliest calms be succeeded by overwhelming storms! A Christian is seldom long at ease. Our life, like April weather, is made up of sunshine and showers— “We should suspect some danger near When we perceive too much delight.
Asi puede que ocurra con nuestros mas hermosos tiempos de calma…les sigue una tormenta! Nuestra vida es como el clima en Abril…sol y lluvia! Debemos sospechar problemas cuando todo parece alegrÃa!
A veces pensamos que si estamos con Dios y sus cosas se evitan los problemas y las sorpresas de la vida…pero aquà tenemos una ilustración que nos corrige esa equivocación….han estado con Jesús, han aprendido de Jesús, han visto los milagros de Jesús, han seguido las instrucciones de Jesús…El esta en el bote con ellos…y aun asi se desata la tormenta!
We have the impressión that God, Jesus, the Church, prayer are like a good luck charm a against bad luck! Like little saint statues or rosaries in the car, or a Bible open in the house to ward off evil! Life is not like that! Life is full of surprises …Forrest Gump’s mom may have said it is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get! In the gospel it says the waves were so violent that the boat was swamped!Miren estas palabritas que a veces se nos escapan al leer el Evangelio….y tambien otras barcas los acompañaban….
Este fin de semana CUANDO YO ME LEVANTE CON el dilema de que tengo una goma ponchada en mi carro y frustrado de que no me da timepo para hacer las obligaciones del dia…hoy se despertaron aquellos que han perdido un ser querido, hay otros con el peso de grandes decisiones …hay otros botes en este charco y a todos les afecta la tormenta! When one member of the body is hurt others suffer…the whole creation groans…
1 Samuel 17 describe un ejército Israelita desmoralizado y temeroso ante sus enemigos, e incapaces de responder al reto del gigante Goliat…Cuando le veian , huian atemorizados! Te ha pasado alguna vez? Que el temor, el miedo ha sido la primera respuesta a una situacion dificil en tu vida?
Muchos de los apostoles eran Pescadores, acostumbrados a tormentas en el mar de Galilea, pero la furia del viento y las olas les llenaron de preocupacion, tenia miedo de perder sus vidas! Deseguro que se preguntaron donde esta Dios aui….oye y Jesus que hace y lo hataron dormido en el bote! Confieso que no me gusta esta imagen, la de Jesus . Dios , durmiendo en medio de mi crisis! Oye no vez que nos hundimos, no te importa si nos ahogamos?
For some reason I have the idea that when seems are off in my life…the whole of heaven has been overtaken by my crisis…pandemonium reins in the heavenlies…Miguel is having a bad day! The seraphs can’t find their tune, the heavenly creatures have stopped singing Holy …God is surprised and in shock that he could not foresee this problem in my life…REALLY NOW!
De alguna manera, yo me he hecho la idea de que cuando hay crisis en mi vida, que el universo entero se estremece por mi situacion, se esta acabando el mundo y en el cielo reina el caos…Miguel esta estresado….los serafines dejan de cantar, los seres celestiales dejan de decir Santo…y hasta Dios esta sorprendido con su descuido, como es que no me di cuanta que Miguel esta en crisis! NO ME DIGAS!
There is a choice to be made in unexpected
circumstances and storms in my life…whether to be overcome by fear, distress or
wether to turn to the Lord in faith…for the Christian faith is the only
choice…not the faith that denies the hardship….this aint hell and I am not
Cuando hay situaciones inesperadas y tormentas en uestra vida tenemos que elegir! Que hago, dejo que la preocupacion y el temor me ahogen o con fe busco a Dios! La fe Cristiana no NIEGA que hay problemas…no bobo aqui no hay calor, no hay olas…! CLARO QUE VEMOS LA TORMENTA ,LA SENTIMOS PERO RECURRIMOS A DIOS!
Los disipulos no eran bobos, fueron a despertar a Jesus…oye no ahogamos! Y el Senor, reprendio las olas y los vientos y se hizo la calma!
There are moments in our life…when only God can help us….we are facing giant or difficulties or storms…it is he whom we need at our side…/ Hay momentos en nuestra vida en los que solo Dios puede ayudarmos…estamos enfrentados a gigantes, a dificultades, a tormentas y es a El a quien recurrimos!
CRISTO habla y hay calma, David invoca el nombre del Señor…Lanza la Piedra y el gigante cae al piso!
DESPUES DE CADA TORMENTA O CRISIS, hay una leccion que aprendems, una bendicion que recibimos…crecemos en conocernos a nosotros mismos y a Dios!
Quien es este a quien aun el mar y los vientos obedecen. El miedo se trasforma en aombro… y las vidas de los discipulos han sido tranbsformadas una vez mas!