Monday, November 9, 2015
Less Episcopalians
The numbers are in with all sorts of statistics about our beloved church in the last year. No numbers can tell the whole story of our life together but, they are telling. Here is a thoughtful blog post examining this very issue that, perhapsm will lead us beyond denial to prayer , reflection and action. Click on link below for full article.
Less Episcopalians...
Friday, October 9, 2015
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Misusing Scripture....

Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Friday, March 6, 2015
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Recuerdos y Lecciones en la Iglesia del Señor...

Con nuestra mudada a los Estados Unidos, cambio también la Iglesia donde mi familia asistía. En un mundo donde solo se hablaba inglés en la Misión Bautista encontramos el compañerismo de otros emigrantes, el poder hablar en español, y para mis hermanas y yo, los comienzos de nuestra fe. Allí se nos habló por primera vez de la necesidad de aceptar a Jesucristo, de nacer otra vez, de leer y obedecer la Biblia que era palabra de Dios. Crecimos en un ambiente saludable, aprendiendo de nuestra fe en la escuela dominical, cantábamos en el coro, hicimos amistades en el pequeño grupo de jóvenes. Por primera vez asistimos a campamentos de verano y retiros de jóvenes donde empezamos a vivir más intensamente la fe. Fue durante este tiempo en mi vida que conocí a Gigi, quien ha sido mi esposa y compañera por los últimos 30 años. Tengo buenas experiencias de mi niñez y juventud en la Iglesia Bautista, sin embargo con los tiempos vienen también los cambios.

El movimiento carismático o de renovación que en ese tiempo comenzaba a moverse entre los cristianos, también llego a nuestra familia dando un nuevo fervor a nuestra fe. Hubo muchos dentro de la comunidad Bautista que vieron esas experiencias no tanto del Espíritu sino más bien de las emociones o hasta del mismo demonio pero en nuestro círculo familiar fueron de bendición y reconciliación. En aquel entonces las controversias entre nosotros eran acerca de si se podía alabar a Dios con panderetas, o levantando las manos, que era eso de hablar en lenguas, habría una tribulación, o si la salvación se perdía o no. Ahora de pensarlo me da algo de risa, como nos complicábamos la vida con esas cosas!
Mi primera experiencia
en una comunidad de fe diferente a la de mi familia de origen fue en la
Republica Dominicana. Nos tocó vivir en este hermoso país por cinco años
durante los cuales yo termine mis estudios de medicina y nació nuestro primer
hijo. Llegar a un país nuevo nunca es fácil pero recibimos una hermosa acogida
en la Iglesia que nos quedaba más cercana, la Asamblea de Dios el Calvario. No
era igual a otras que habíamos asistido pero el amor de los hermanos y su
acogida nos hizo sentir a gusto. Todavía tenemos hermosas amistades de aquellos
tiempos y han sido tan valiosas las experiencias que tuvimos en la oración y
alabanza y la vida de fe de esa comunidad.

Nos reuníamos a orar todos los jueves en una que otra aula vacía o debajo de un árbol en los campos de la universidad. Cada semana variaba quien traía la meditación y con guitarras o solo a voces se alababa al Señor. Orábamos los unos por los otros y nos alentábamos a la fidelidad a Dios. Sin embargo cada cual fiel en su Iglesia local, a pesar de que a veces nos visitábamos o asistíamos juntos a conciertos, cruzadas u otros eventos. Fue para mí una experiencia formativa de mucha enseñanza. Después de aquí no pude ver a la Iglesia más solo en mi congregación local o aun la denominación a que pertenecía. Ni tampoco pude aferrarme a una teología particular! Había descubierto una diversidad de pensamientos entre los creyentes en ese entonces y a través de la historia! Que riqueza tan maravillosa la de la Iglesia del Señor.

Fue natural
para mi sentir una atracción hacia el Anglicanismo y la Iglesia Episcopal
después de terminar mis estudios de medicina. Se lo atribuyo al Señor, que nos
conoce a todos muy bien y sabe donde situar mejor a sus hijos! Llevo ya más de 20 años primero como laico, luego
diacono y sacerdote en esta Iglesia y han sido los mejores de mi vida. No digo
esto porque sea una comunidad perfecta, tal cosa no existe! Yo pudiera muy bien
enumerar los defectos de la Iglesia Episcopal, pero sus virtudes, para mí, han
sido de gran bendición!
comprehensivo de la tradición Anglicana, la amplitud en su culto, la generosidad en su metodo teologico y lo acogedor de su vision pastoral, no me han forzado ni a negar ninguna de
mis experiencias a lo largo del camino, ni a menospreciar la verdad y la
belleza en otras comunidades de fe! Me ha encantado su lema para la unidad
entre los hermanos; "...en las cosas esenciales unidad, en las no esenciales
libertad, en todo caso amor!.." De mucho beneficio y bendición me han servido
estas palabras a través de los años!
En este tiempo de mi vida, también se me hace cada vez más claro la realidad de que la Iglesia de Cristo no se limita a mi congregación, mi denominación, mi grupo favorito ni apóstol del momento! No se limita a la alabanza que prefiero, ni la teología que acojo, ni al estilo del culto que me agrada más! Comprende a todos los creyentes, aquí y allá en la presencia del Señor que han amado a Dios y le han servido en muchas épocas, congregaciones, movimientos y denominaciones. Son personas falibles, que acertaron en algunas cosas y fallaron en otras, con distintas visiones de lo que esencial para la fe, al igual que tú y yo! Son aquellos que, con la ayuda del Espíritu viven estas vidas a que hemos sido llamados, a ser hijos de Dios!
En esta
semana de unidad cristiana, recuerda que todos somos hijos del mismo Dios, que es Jesucristo el que murio por todos, que el mismo Espiritu de Dios habita en nosotros, que somos ramas de un mismo tronco, miembros de un mismo cuerpo. Ora por tus hermanos conocidos y desconocidos,
proponte no juzgar a aquellos que adoran o entienden las cosas diferentes a ti, y quizás proponte abrir tus ojos a otras
realidades en la familia de la fe.
Confieso que de vez en cuando me gusta visitar a otros hermanos y compartir su alabanza comunitaria, aunque prefiera la de mi propia congregacion! No hay mejor manera de amar a tu hermano que conociendole mejor.
Confieso que de vez en cuando me gusta visitar a otros hermanos y compartir su alabanza comunitaria, aunque prefiera la de mi propia congregacion! No hay mejor manera de amar a tu hermano que conociendole mejor.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Lessons from the Magi- (Matthew 2:1-12)
In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, "Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage." When King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him; and calling together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They told him, "In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written by the prophet: `And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler , who is to shepherd my people Israel.'" Then Herod secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared. Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, "Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage." When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
1. Keep Your
Eyes Open
The wise
men had their eyes open! They looked at the sky and saw a star rising which intrigued
them, and was the catalyst for their journey! Often we live life oblivious to
the things around us. In our busyness we miss the beauty of a sunrise, the
starlit sky, the smile of a child, expressions of sorrow or joy in those we share our lives with,
the signs that God surrounds us with to make us aware of his presence and care!
Jesus speaking to the church
at Laodicea in Revelation 3:14-22 g said these solemn words; "anoint your eyes with
salve, that you may see." ,
a clear indication they were blind to what was clear for all to see! This year, keep
your eyes open, take a moment to look around, to notice! Ask God to help you
see in every circumstance what he intends to show you.
2 2. Mind the

The wise men, followed a star to where it would take them, they were able to ascertain it would lead them to a king! However it was the words of the prophet Micah which led them to the exact place where the child would be born. We too are in a journey and though we may have a sense of our direction, we need the clarity and the guidance of the word of God. We need to be reminded of the promises, the blessings, the admonitions it contains for our benefit and wisdom. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path” ( Psalm 119:105), “The words I speak are Spirit and Life” ( John 6:63).
3 3. Act on What You Know
I have always wondered how it was that people from afar, a different
religion and culture traveled thousands of miles despite limited knowledge to
seek a king, whereas those who were waiting for his birth, and had intimate
knowledge of the prophecies stood idly. Sometimes we take for granted what we
have! Often we fail to act on what we know, we do not do the things we know to be right, we are silent when we have to speak, are passive when we are called to action in a particular area of life!
“A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle…The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention..."
Khalil Gibran
There is a lot we do not know
or understand about the world, about God, about ourselves, but there are some
things we do know! Let’s put that
knowledge, that mustard seed of faith into action and see where it will lead us
in this New Year! The magi acted on what they knew, and their journey led them
to new experiences and understanding of God.
4 4. Make Worship a Priority

Sometimes our religion becomes something of custom, tradition, social interaction. We come together as the temple of God’s spirit, are in his presence as he moves among us, come to the Table where Christ offers himself to us and…we fail to worship! Jesus said, the Father is looking for “worshipers who will do so in spirit and truth”. Our liturgy reminds us to praise him with angels and archangels and with all the company of heaven” who sing their unending hymn of praise.
Make worship a priority in your life! In your private devotions, when you gather for prayer or Eucharist, remember the Magi and their lesson…they came to Bethlehem to worship and bring gifts.
O God, by the leading of a star you manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth: Lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence, where we may see your glory face to face; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Save Our Children!!!

Under the banner of "Save Our Children", supposedly from exposure to immorality and homosexual recruitment, Anita and others, led a campaign that presented gays as a veritable danger to society. A special election in June of 1978 saw, a very heavy turnout in Dade county, an overwhelming defeat of the ordinance, and a setback to equal treatment under the law for gays and lesbians in our state.

"All America and all the world will hear what the people have said, and with God's continued help, we will prevail in our fight to repeal similar laws throughout the nation which attempt to legitimize a life style that is both perverse and dangerous".
For me, the elation of some over such victory, seemed totally wrong then, even as it does now!
How was it a victory for children or society to allow the discrimination of people to exist? Why would God be on the side of letting people be at the mercy of the prejudices of others? Wasn't Jesus always on the side of those society deemed less worthy? How was this repeal of fundamental protections Christian in any sense of the word?
How was it a victory for children or society to allow the discrimination of people to exist? Why would God be on the side of letting people be at the mercy of the prejudices of others? Wasn't Jesus always on the side of those society deemed less worthy? How was this repeal of fundamental protections Christian in any sense of the word?

"Save the Children" , the slogan so misused years ago, perhaps better characterizes the days ahead!
I look forward to a future where all children are saved, from hatred, discrimination, exclusion, and where religion is not used as a tool to oppress and demonize persons created in the image of God!
Biblical Marriage or Christian Marriage?
Not this straw man again! It seems like in the wake of a move towards marriage equality, there is yet another attempt to misuse Scripture to obscure what most Christians mean when they speak about the sacrament of marriage!
The article linked above, from Jennnifer G. Bird at the Huffington Post is worth reading! Not because it will enlighten us about what the sacrament of marriage is for Christians, but because of the way it attempts complicate and obscure something that, for 21 st century Christians, is pretty obvious!

Matthew 19:4-5
"Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'for this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh ! "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate..." .
This post is by no means a judgement on same gender relationships nor the equal access to civil marriage for all couples! I fully support that!!!! It is also not meant to comment on the too often found reality of divorce! It is for the sake of charity and mutual understanding that we should state the views of others with clarity, even if we disagree on how they apply their convictions in the public arena. I do not feel people on both sides of this conversation do this with any consistency.
Modern societies governed by secular principles can and should adapt the definition of civil marriage as is appropriate for the times! Communities of faith should prayerfully decide how to include and bless loving relationships as is congruent with their faith traditions!
However, it is about time folks STOP misdefining what Christians MEAN when they speak of Biblical marriage.....!
Just in case you missed it... they mean this! Any questions?
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